Field-test errors may lead to thousands of wrongful drug convictions

At least 100,000 Americans plead guilty every year to drug-possession charges that rely on often-inaccurate field-test results as evidence. At that volume, even the most modest of error rates could produce thousands of wrongful convictions, yet police and prosecutors continue to rely on the tests, Pro Public reports here.


4 responses to “Field-test errors may lead to thousands of wrongful drug convictions

  1. Not to mention the thousands of men and women across America, who have been wrongfully convicted of other crime categories, other than drugs.

  2. Girts Berzins

    At the end of the day there is a reason why confessions need to be thoroughly checked. We have had enough false confession cases here, in the UK, such as Birmingham 6 and Guildford 4.

  3. You’d think that the Texas Forensic Science Commission would be all over this problem. Yet, not a peep. Not a shocker.

  4. You’d think that the Texas Forensic Science Commission would be all over this problem. Yet, not a peep. And, not a shocker.

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