Witnesses ‘bullied’ into lying in miscarriage of justice want convictions overturned

The fallout from the infamous ‘Cardiff 3’ miscarriage of justice in Wales continues. After the collapse of the trial against eight police officers when vital evidence went ‘missing’ before being found later, the witnesses in the original trial who have since been convited of perjury, now want their convictions overturned as they too were ‘victims’. see BBC story here:

Lynette White trial: witnesses want convictions quashed

One response to “Witnesses ‘bullied’ into lying in miscarriage of justice want convictions overturned

  1. Bullying is a serious and persistent issue in our schools today. Research shows that at least 30% of children are involved in school bullying as bully, victim, or bystander. Bullying can be defined as repeated exposure to negative actions by one or more persons, with the victim having difficulty defending himself. Bullying is aggressive, unwanted, involves a repetitive pattern of behavior and an imbalance of power. It can be verbal, physical, indirect (rumors, gossip), exclusive (leaving someone out) in nature and the bully may take property.

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