Misbehaving Prosecutors Almost Always Get Off Scotfree

The Center for Prosecutor Integrity, in December 2013, published a white paper titled An Epidemic of Prosecutor Misconduct.

Appendix B from that paper is a table listing documented cases of prosecutorial misconduct and in how many of those cases sanctions were imposed.

Appendix B

(For the sources footnoted, please refer to the paper.)

Out of 3,625 documented cases of prosecutorial misconduct, sanctions were imposed in only 63 of them – 1.7%.

Isn’t it about time for some prosecutorial accountability and sanctions for misconduct?

4 responses to “Misbehaving Prosecutors Almost Always Get Off Scotfree

  1. “Out of 3,625 documented cases of prosecutorial misconduct, sanctions were imposed in only 63 of them – 1.7%.

    Isn’t it about time for some prosecutorial accountability and sanctions for misconduct?”

    So in Arizona, where does the complaint have to be filed? During one term in office, under disgraced and disbarred ex-Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas and his chief “charging” prosecutor, ex-DCA Lisa Aubuchon, also disbarred — Thomas bragged about his 200,000 FELONY CASES (in one term in office 2005-2010).

    Who’s investigating the stats here for those who are innocent, languishing for years in the courts, for years in prison and silenced behind the prison walls?

    An outside independent investigation is needed. Too many intertwined cronies keeping the lid shut tightly on their decades-old decisions, along the way up the ladder. Rubber-stamped “denied”, not even read, then dumped into the federal courts where these innocence cases are languishing.

    Why say there is an Appeals process when few appeals cases are even read? Retired (deceased) Arizona Supreme Court Ryan stated during a sentencing hearing at the state Legislature, fair justice is not being done when these cases cannot be handled. The public was raising questions about fair justice and fair sentencing. Ryan was discussing the onslaught on the courts by the Thomas / Aubuchon / Alexander prosecutor team (2005-2010).

    The Clemency Board has been in disarray after the Bill Macumber release after the experienced Board members were fired and replaced with unqualified political appointees by the Governor.

    In the news, over 6,650 un-investigated CPS child abuse cases, besides the over 432 un-investigated child sex crimes cases under Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio.

    The Arizona Department of Corrections health care system under class action lawsuits with unprecedented, unnecessary deaths. Two major private prison health care providers under fire.

    A culture of misconduct is what has been allowed to prevail for far too long, creating destruction and serious harm to many innocent men, women and children in the state of Arizona.

    When the elected officials commit misconduct, they are given a slap on the wrist and hang on to their jobs, while the ordinary person would find themselves thrown in jail, and facing decades behind bars under “convict at all cost” and under Arizona’s draconian mandatory minimum sentencing scheme — designed to grow the criminal justice system and mass industrial prison complex, detention centers and private prisons for political and financial gain.

    Appeals cases ignored. Innocence / wrongfully convicted cases from 2004 to present demand outside investigation. The state officials have chosen to ignore the cases of the “ordinary” people who may have been wrongfully convicted under the Thomas / Aubuchon / Alexander regime, while the judges, lawyers, elected officials who they targeted with false allegations have settled their cases in court. This is not the fair and equal justice promised in America. Where are the real leaders who will step forward to undo decades of destruction to the innocent? The DOJ has provided the money to the states. With new evidence and exculpatory evidence know for years now, where is the help we’ve been crying out for, for years? This is no longer 2004, but in a matter of weeks 2014.

  2. And think about how many cases aren’t documented. This is a huge problem all across the country. Thank you for the article. I will share this.

  3. Hmmm….I wonder who the one listed under Texas prosecutors disaplined could be……?

  4. Pingback: Misbehaving Prosecutors Almost Always Get Off Scotfree | up2xxi

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